Lightning leads to flashback

Lightning leads to flashback

I don’t know if anyone remembers this storm just the other day, you know that real loud lightning we had—thunder and lightning.  Well, there was a lighting strike, must have been within a block of my house because the flash and the sound came at the same time.  That reminded me when I was a kid back on the farm; we had this big old tree.  I can’t remember what kind of a tree now.  A cottonwood, probably.  Every time we had a storm, it would get struck by lightning.  So every time there was a storm, afterward, we would run over and look for the new line down the tree where the bark had been taken off by that strike.  It was pretty guaranteed that every time we had a storm there would be a brand new piece of bark taken off of that old tree.  I don’t know what it was about that particular tree, but it sure attracted the lightning.  I remember that, and the other day when that strike hit my house—well it didn’t hit my house but it sounded like it could have—it reminded me of that tree.  It was like, “Why did that come back?”

[Literally a flashback.]

A good flashback.  And then I was talking to a lady a little bit later in the day, and she said right next to her house during that storm, a big old tree got split right in half by a lightning strike.  It was down by the railroad track south here in town.  And she said “There were owls that lived in the tree, I hope the owls are okay.”  I don’t know the fate of the owls.  I have to talk to her and see if she’s seen the owls lately.  But lightning strikes can give you a flashback.


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