Wonderful moment for a father
May 21, 2015, 8:49 a.m. I got this text. I had the worst case of poison ivy I ever had in my life.
I was all broke out, just nasty, and I’m sitting at home, sitting in my recliner, can’t move or do anything, just let it ooze and heal and do what it can do. In that moment I thought, you know, I need to get people praying for me. So I started sending emails and text messages out to people to pray for me, and I sent one to my boy’s fiancée. By the time I get this text back from her, I’m in Walgreens getting calamine lotion and all the stuff I need for it and I’m just miserable, itching and everything. So I get this text from her and it says yesterday was a very important day. Rob, who’s my son, accepted Jesus into his heart for the first time, he’s finally a believer. And as a dad, I was just broken up emotionally, just tears running down, just so filled with joy. I’m sitting there in Walgreens just broken out with poison ivy, broken out in tears, and I’m like get it together, you gotta go up to the register and get through the checkout lane! As a father, I think that was the most joyful moment of my whole life.