Sing along with Mitch
I came of age about the same time as Elvis. Well, that’s the music I remember and Elvis and Ricky Nelson and the Everly Brothers. You know, back in the day, and I think that what I really liked was the harmony. So I got into the Beach Boys a little bit and then into folk music with some really good harmonies, and that’s why I like the Family Folk Machine so much. I just love listening to these people and their harmonies. But I do remember my father used to watch Mitch Miller. I don’t know if any of you remember Mitch Miller.
[Oh my gosh, yeah.]
A lot of you don’t remember Mitch Miller, but there was a weekly program on where they would harmonize. They would sing old tunes. My father traveled and that was the one night that I could be at home with my father. I have fond memories of watching Sing along with Mitch [Miller].
[Sing Along with Mitch, I remember that also.]
There was a bouncing ball. The words would be on the screen and you’d go da-da-da and you’d sing along. They wanted at everyone at home to sing along.