Fun with grandson
I have one. We’ve talked about children remembering their grandparents. Well, I’m a grandma and some of my great memories are spent with my grandchildren, particularly my grandson. He was sick a lot when he was little, had tubes in his ears, put in a couple times. And you know, loss of hearing and so forth. He’s getting better, but he loves to spend time with grandma and I used to get to babysit him when he was too sick to go to school. Christmas before last his dad had been gone for a while and he and his mom came. They were coming to our house for dinner and they stopped off to pick up something and he said, “I thought we were going to Grandma’s house. This doesn’t look like Grandma’s house to me.” And then they stopped somewhere else, he says, “This isn’t Grandma’s house either.” So it was kind of cool to know that he has as much fun as I do.