Saxophone and bear named George

Saxophone and bear named George

My saxophone is important to me, because I’m not very good at it yet and I haven’t been playing it for over a month yet, but whenever I do play it, I feel really good.  I just love it so much.  If it got lost, or if someone took it, I would just totally lose it.  I would go totally crazy.

I also have this stuffed animal that my class gave me when I got a concussion.  We had a little classroom store, and I had seen these little stuffed animals before, and I thought they were very ugly.  I thought they were very weird-looking, but when one of them was given to me during my concussion, I didn’t think about anything I had thought about them before.  I just loved it, and I still have it.  I named it George for no apparent reason.  It’s like a little bear-panda cross thingy. Now I think it’s cute.

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