Radio monologues
I went to a writer’s group here down at the Ped Mall. It was mostly University of Iowa students, but there were older people too. And I wrote, and recited, two of my monologues. And when I got through this young gentleman came over to me and he said, he had been the host of it and was introducing everybody, and he said “Do you have an email?” I said, “No, I don’t have a computer.” And he said, “Well I’m a disc jockey from Minnesota and I was going to play your monologues on the radio.” I said, “really?” And he said, “Yes.” And it gave me such inspiration that I thought, you know, I don’t want to move from Iowa City, but I wish if I had gone around to the radio stations here and said, “Hey, if you listened to my monologues, would you ever play them on the radio?” I never did, I thought, probably they’d want University of Iowa students on the radio. But it did give me inspiration if they had a radio ever, even just a regular radio. And I’ve gone around and just said, “Hey, here are the monologues that I’ve wrote. Would you like to read them on the radio?” I guess I didn’t have enough. I thought they would probably say, “What? You want to play your monologues on the radio?” I said, “Well, that would be very, very nice.” But I didn’t go ahead with it. But I did get the inspiration. Well I would have liked to have done, but I guess I wasn’t courageous enough. I can still go around and do it, or say, “would you mind listening to them?”