Walking the logs
I lived in the valley in southern California and I wouldn’t call that city, but it’s not small town. It’s kind of suburban, but L.A. is across the mountains, so, anyway, there was this little league field across the street and they had logs to tell the people where to park, you know? And we would run across those logs you know, for balance you have to, you can’t fall, the whole thing is to not fall off and get eaten by the alligators, right? So we would crawl, walk the logs. That’s what we called it, walking the logs. And, my front door was not locked. I could come and go as I pleased and you know, I always keep my door locked now. And I had neighborhood playmates and we did some of those games, like hide and seek or whatever and statue and all these things. And, I went to movies at the theater, close enough to walk to. I had a pool in the backyard in southern California, and we made up our own pool games.